Comets Class

Welcome to Comets Class!

We are a mixed age Year 1 & 2 class. Our daily learning includes speaking, listening, reading, writing, independent thinking, curiosity, questioning and lots of fun.  Our daily learning  also includes phonics, English, reading and mathematics.  Throughout the term/year we also study history, geography, RE, science, PSHE, music, PE, art and design, design and technology, and computing.  

Class teacher: Mrs Meehan

We send reading books home so please continue to hear your child read as often as possible, ideally at least 5 times a week, and write in their reading record after each read. An adult will hear every child read three times a week in school. 

For teaching phonics, we use the Little Wandle Letters & Sounds lesson structure and each session will follow the same format of introduce, revisit and review, teach, practise and apply. This ensures that children learn new sounds whilst applying taught sounds to their reading of new words. Children work on decoding, segmenting and blending in every lesson. Children are exposed and use the correct subject specific technical vocabulary (such as phoneme, digraph, trigraph). Our lessons are designed to meet the children’s needs based on our on-going phonic assessments. This informs planning and ensures children receive quick catch-up sessions where necessary.

Each week the children in reception will have phonics and reading practice to do at home. Children in yr 1 and 2 will have spellings/phonics to practice and maths homework. This will be uploaded to Class Dojo on a Friday and is to be handed in the following Friday. Spelling assessments take place on a Thursday. Year 2 children also have access to TT Rockstars to work on their times tables. 

Click here to access Little Wandle Resources for parents