Reading Intent

We love reading! We know that reading is central to accessing the whole curriculum and that reading for pleasure and knowledge can transform lives.

We aim to support children to become readers for life, and start this journey by making sure pupils start learning to ready quickly when they start school to develop their phonics knowledge; become fluent and accurate in reading across a wide range of genres; develop a rich vocabulary; know how to apply a range of comprehension strategies to make sense of texts; and are motivated to read for pleasure. We want our pupils to learn to read so they can read to learn, and are then ready for the next step in their education.     

The focus on reading across the curriculum is to ensure we develop our pupils as readers who possess essential characteristics of a reader:

  • a love of reading
  • excellent phonic knowledge and skills
  • fluency and accuracy in reading across a wide range of contexts and genres
  • knowledge of an extensive and rich vocabulary
  • an excellent comprehension of texts
  • a good understanding of inference and language comprehension
  • the motivation to read for both study and for pleasure