
School uniform can be purchased from any high street supermarket, or for branded items from Scholars School Clothing, a branch of which can be found at 55-56 Fore Street, Trowbridge BA14 8ET. 

FOWAS also hold a number of pre-loved items which can be bought for a small charge.  Please ask in the office for further details.

Please make sure all uniform and shoes are fully labelled with name labels or indelible ink.

School Uniform

Girls Boys
Grey or black pinafore dress, skirt or trousers Grey or black trousers 
White blouse or polo shirt   White shirt or polo shirt
Sweatshirt / cardigan - branded or unbranded Sweatshirt - branded or unbranded
White, black or grey socks White, black or grey socks
Green and white gingham dress  or grey shorts Grey shorts
School fleece (optional) School fleece (optional)

PE Kit (all children)

Black shorts
Plain white T-shirt
Black sweatshirt for cold weather, no hood or strings
Black tracksuit bottoms / leggings for cold weather
Daps / training shoes

Art and design overalls

There are a limited number of art and craft overalls in school. We encourage children in all year groups to protect their clothing by bringing into school an old adult shirt.