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Discoverers Class
Welcome to Discoverers Class!
We are delighted to welcome your child to Discoverers Class. Our daily learning includes English, SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar), Reading and Maths. Throughout the year we will also be answering Big Questions whilst studying History, Geography, RE, Science, PSHE, French, Music, PE, Art and Design, Design and Technology and Computing.
Teachers: Mrs Sainsbury and Mrs Osayamwen
More information about our learning areas for the term can be found below on our Topic Web.
Below are some key points to be aware of. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.
Reading is fundamental to your child’s educational development. It is vital that you hear your child read at home as often as you can whilst encouraging them to read every day. Asking your child questions based on what they have read will help to develop their skills of engaging with texts within fiction and non-fiction. Reading experience is also important in developing writing skills and gives your child ideas of the structure, vocabulary and plot of stories, letters, reports and poetry.
When you hear your child read, please write the date and sign the home link book, feel free to add a comment. Please ensure your child brings their reading book and link book into school daily. We will hear your child read at least once per week in class. This is in addition to our daily whole class reading lessons in which we develop reading skills of inference and prediction, develop vocabulary and discuss author skills.
Joined handwriting is an expectation and we will work towards ensuring all children use neat, cursive handwriting. Good presentation of work, including Home Learning, is essential so that we are creating work that we feel proud of. Children do not need their own pencil cases at school – we will provide all the equipment they need.
Children will have weekly spellings to learn. We will ensure that every child is able to spell the Common Exception Words as well learning spelling rules and words appropriate for their independent writing. Spellings will come home on a Friday to be tested on the following Friday. Your child will be expected to write the spelling word within a sentence and so practise should encourage the understanding of the meaning of each word as well as the spelling of it.
Your child will have access to TT Rockstars https://ttrockstars.com/ as we will be expecting fluency in times table recall. Please encourage your child to learn all tables to x12. We will practise in class and as part of maths lessons, but the more practise the better; little and often – a few minutes every day - is best and has amazing benefits for your child’s mathematical speed and accuracy in maths contexts.
Home Learning
I will issue Home Learning on a Friday via Class DoJo and it will be due the following Friday. Home learning will be Maths and SPaG. In addition, children need to learn their times tables and spellings. Daily reading at home is also important.